
Life or death choice

'Do not resuscitate' (DNR) or 'do not attempt resuscitation' (DNAR) is a legal order instructing healthcare providers to withhold advanced cardiac life support or CPR. A DNR usually takes the form of a legal document, but can be found in designs ranging from bracelets to tattoos. Allow Natural Death (AND) is a similar term that phrases the choice as a proactive rather than reactive instruction. DNRs are controversial in some jurisdictions due to ethical concerns, and a balancing of patient autonomy and the duty of medical practitioners. The HSE’s National Consent Policy states that while there is no specific legislation related to DNR “the weight of legal opinion has been interpreted to mean that an advance healthcare directive made by an individual… would be upheld. In addition, the Medical Council Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Practitioners (2009) also recognises advance healthcare directives.”

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