Great artists steal / Real art is

Reflective art, 2016


Camilo Matiz (CO)

A study of reflection, this light sculpture confronts the viewer with the duality of who they are and how they perceive themselves. The same object displays differently in the mirror’s reflection, as life reflects unrealised desires of the heart, mind and soul.


Camilo was born in 1976 in Bogota, Columbia where is currently resides and explores artforms including cinematography, writing, photography and film. He has spent his life in between the real and the manufactured. His artistic career has ranged from being a film and T.V. director to a fine artist, giving him a special awareness about the role of the spectator, acknowledging its constant presence. With this idea being the seed from which his pieces emerge, Camilo creates scenarios that awaken an introspective examination upon the viewer. His installations are built upon mirrors and neon lights that spell phrases, which comment on media. He plays with trompe-l’oeil strategies; by setting up background curtains that play with space and perception, accomplishing a fabricated reality that allows the spectator to observe, analyse and question themselves.

His work has been shown in international art exhibitions including Scope, Miami and Barcu Art Fair, Bogota. In 2009, his artistic film, 1989, achieved the Official Selection in Semaine de la Critique in Cannes as the closing film for the festival. Matiz resides and works in Bogota, Colombia.

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