
Farmstand Forecast presents emerging trends and fringe products, exemplifying changes that are underway in farming, food processing, and product development.It is laid out in the following sections.


Eating meat has changed from an occasional treat to a daily staple in the last thirty years, but our desire for lots of cheap meat has major negative consequences for human and environmental health. The human population is expected to soar to ten billion by the end of this century, and long-term thinkers are investigating alternative sources of protein. How can plant-based proteins compete with our appetite for meat?

1/ Pulses: Nitrogen fixing, plant-based proteins 2/ Ready Meals: Covertly reducing animal proteins in fast food 3/ Insects: Using food and packaging design to convert the insect-averse


These miracle crops are repeatedly promoted as cure-alls for global hunger, malnutrition, resource shortages and rapid population growth. Why aren’t they currently propagated and utilised everywhere? Sometimes they challenge local preferences and norms. Other times they only deliver on their promise after decades of research and refinement. And sometimes they are forgotten, only to be revived decades later. What would it take to phase in these farm fantasies?

1/ Breadfruit: Low-maintenance and high yielding tropical tree 2/ Chlorella: 1950s sci-fi food that keeps coming back 3/ Mushroom Materials: Biomaterials grown with fungi


Many of the the disastrous environmental effects of climate change, decreased biodiversity and and the global spread of pests are known, but what unforeseen opportunities could arise? Every day, farmers observe and experiment within their local environment, but increasingly, they are confronted by long term planetary changes as well. How will human food systems creatively adapt and maintain vibrant traditions under these new conditions?

1/ Ash Wood: Endangered tree used in popular sport 2/ Jellyfish: Learning to eat the seafood that thrives during climate change 3/ Nordic Wine: Wine grapes migrate to northern latitudes


The Center for Genomic Gastronomy is an artist-led think tank that examines the biotechnologies and biodiversity of human food systems. Launched in 2010 by Cathrine Kramer (NO) and Zack Denfeld (US), the Center has completed research and exhibited in Asia, Europe and North America, and has collaborated with scientists, hackers, chefs and farmers. Their mission is to map food controversies, prototype alternative culinary futures, and imagine a more just, biodiverse, and beautiful food system. Current members include Emma Conley (US) and Molly Garvey (IE). The Center’s work has been featured in WIRED (UK), We Make Money Not Art, Science, Nature and Gastronomica and they have shown work at the World Health Organization, Kew Gardens and the Victoria & Albert Museum. They continue to explore the future of our food system through travelling supper clubs and pop-up food carts worldwide.

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Farmstand Forecast presents emerging trends and fringe products, exemplifying changes that are underway in farming, food processing, and product development.

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