FRI 22.06.12 - SAT 08.09.12


Noise is often referred to as unwanted sound, which is characterized by its intensity, frequency, periodicity and duration. How humans perceive, climatise and respond to noise is complex. Since the early 2000s, EU directives have led to noise becoming one of the most comprehensively mapped pollutants within our cities. However different countries map noise data in different ways, evading quick and easy comparisons. What we do understand is that as our urban centres become more populated and dense, noise levels escalate, as does its impact on our wellbeing. As an audio stress or noise has direct and indirect effects on our health. Yet the noise and sounds our city produce also contribute to what makes it unique, they give our cities a sound signature which helps locate you within a place. Making noise is also one of the most primary acts of resistance and has defined musical genres such as rock, punk and techno. Sounds Like Here draws on Dublin’s noise data, allowing you to turn your phone into a simple noise measuring device, we explore how such data is mapped, its function, form and poetics.

BIO: Teresa Dillon is the lead curator for HACK THE CITY. Designgoat are an industrial design company based in Dublin. The company focuses on creating objects and spaces that are complex in nature but simple in form. NoiseTube is an ongoing research project, which focuses on developing participative approaches for monitoring noise pollution by the general public. NoiseTube is developed by the Sony Computer Science Lab in Paris (FR) and currently hosted by the BrusSense Team at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

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