Ross Goodwin (US)


word.camera is an automatic photo narrator — a camera that instantly generates brief poems from the images it captures, dispensing textual rather than visual representations to redefine the photographic experience. When you take a picture with this camera, its integrated computer narrates your photograph autonomously using artificial neural networks, then delivers its output via thermal printout. A picture of a dead pigeon on a sidewalk might trigger a reflection on mortality; wearing a funny party hat might inspire the camera to come up with a joke. Take a selfie, and word.camera will write about you.


Ross Goodwin is a creative technologist, artist, hacker, data scientist, and former White House ghostwriter. He employs machine learning, natural language processing, and other computational tools to realise new forms and interfaces for written language.

His work has been discussed in the The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, CBS News, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Ars Technica, VICE Motherboard, Gizmodo, Engadget, TechCrunch, CNET, Forbes, Slate, Fast Company, The Huf ngton Post, Mashable, Fusion, Quartz, PetaPixel and other publications. He has exhibited or spoken at the International Documentary Film Festival (IDFA) DocLab in Amsterdam, the TriBeCa Film Festival Interactive Showcase in New York, the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York, the Phi Center in Montreal, Gray Area in San Francisco, the MIT Media Lab, Maker Faire, GitHub Universe, NIPS machine learning conference, Molasses Books in Bushwick, and other venues.

Ross earned his undergraduate degree in Economics from MIT in 2009, and his graduate degree from NYU ITP in May 2016.



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