By Adam Harvey and Anastasia Kubrak 2018

Your phone location is instantly spoofed to relocate you to the pool of a major tech CEO


DataPools tricks your phone into appearing at the private pools of the wealthiest CEOs in Silicon Valley. The artist’s believe that big tech corporations have a tight grip on an unlimited source of profit: your personal data. Orbiting satellites track your movements while Wi-Fi networks continuously share your physical location to commercial entities. We are constantly subjected to measurement and profiling. What if we could reverse this logic and plunge into the pools of ludicrous wealth, both virtually and physically? Could we apply the same methods of data extraction to highlight the ridiculous inequalities between CEOs and platform users?


Adam Harvey is an American artist and researcher based in Berlin focused on computer vision, privacy, and surveillance. He is a graduate of the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University (2010) and previously studied engineering and photojournalism at the Pennsylvania State University.

Anastasia Kubrak is a designer and researcher based in Amsterdam focusing on social and political implications of emerging technologies. By proposing tangible ways to engage in complex narratives, she aims to address a broader audience in critical evaluation of emergent systems. She holds BA degree from Design Academy Eindhoven and is currently obtaining MA in Visual Strategies at Sandberg Instituut, NL.

Thank Surya Mattu, !Mediangruppe Bitnik for the collaborations, and Schloss Solitude Web Residencies and Tropez (Berlin) for their commission support.



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