
String Pull is an electronic music instrument played using a now discontinued golf game controller known as the GameTrak. The instrument is activated by pulling on the two tethers (or strings) and moving them in the space in front of the display, which provides visual feedback on the location of different notes. The strings can be extended up to three metres. When close to the display, small hand gestures can be used to trigger single notes, while at greater distances, more expansive gestures and slow, dance-like movements result in sustained tones and modulation effects.

In this way, the instrument is fairly intuitive and easy to use; however, the physical tethers and visual display allow for a greater degree of finesse and control than would be possible using an entirely wireless system. This is one reason why the GameTrak is often used by experimental musicians and laptop orchestras as an interface for many different types of electronic instruments.


Enda is a composer, musician, producer and academic based in Trinity College Dublin. In 2010, he completed a PhD entitled The Composition and Performance of Spatial Music. His research work includes spatial music composition and performance, spatial audio and virtual reality, the aesthetics of electro-acoustic music, and the augmented electric guitar. His work has been performed by, among others, the Crash Ensemble, RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra, Paul Hillier and Chamber Choir Ireland, Anne La Berge, the Doelen Quartet, Trio Scordatura, Ensemble Mise-en, Concorde, Darragh Morgan and New Dublin Voices. He is a founder member of The Spatial Music Collective and is an active performer, both of his own work and with The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock, Miriam Ingram, Nina Hynes and Dancing Suns, and others.


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