
HighWaterLine Dublin is an interactive exploration of the effects of climate change on the future of Dublin. Based on the 2007 project, HighWaterLine in New York City, the project looks at scientific data on the increased flooding associated with climate change, and creates a real world intervention. For HighWaterLine in New York, Eve Mosher drew a chalk line through the city 10 feet above sea-level, indicating the zone already at risk of flooding – a risk that has increased with global warming. There are already areas of Brooklyn, NY that are uninsurable due to this increased likelihood of flooding. In Dublin, the artist, working with local youth and communities, will research, map and then draw the flood zone along the banks of the Liffey, using the act as an opportunity for conversation with residents about climate change, its effects, and the steps we might take to address climate change and global warming. The project seeks to reach a broad and diverse audience by literally taking the discussion to the streets that will actully feel the greatest impact of flooding, and drawing attention through an artistic and highly visible intervention.

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