
Pouch proposes an innovative way to consume water. Inspired by a cow’s udder, it is a malleable carafe that allows the user to fill his or her glass with water – or whichever liquid the pouch has been filled with – by pulling and squeezing the product’s tip. When positioned next to a faucet, Pouch invites the user to consider their consumption of water, drawn carefully from it rather than running freely. Pouch is made from food-grade liquid silicone, which is tasteless, sustainable, and temperature resistant. It conforms to health and safety regulations and is produced through a process of rotational moulding, which allows the creation of a very thin layer of material that will expand when filled with liquid. The silicone pouch expands and contracts as it is filled with water, offering the user a new sensorial experience with ‘the free element’ enclosed and transformed by the Pouch.


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