How might our washing habits evolve in the future to meet the challenges of sustainability? Nearly 40% of the water we use goes towards our personal washing (showering, bathing and washing our teeth). WaterWise invites us to step into the year 2050 and imagine more sustainable washing routines through the use of advanced technologies and water systems supported by alternative cultural norms and water regulations. Three future scenarios are presented, designed using an innovative ‘visioning’ research process involving key stakeholders in the water sector. Depicted by Dublin-based illustrator Chris Judge, the scenarios use bold and playful illustrations, referencing graphic novel and instructional manual styles. Drawing on emerging and envisioned societal and technological trends, WaterWise encourages critical reflection on our washing routines and how we approach sustainability problems. It is based on the premise that a sustainable future will require not only technological innovations but also cultural and personal changes. Might we adapt our washing behaviour according to natural weather fluctuations as depicted in the ‘Aqua Adapt’ scenario? Could we be attracted to the high-tech waterless washing solutions presented in the ‘De-Waterise’ scenario? How might we respond to the realities of the resource constrained world in the ‘Water Control’ scenario? Visitors are asked to rate the elements in each scenario which appeal to them. In this way they contribute to the iterative nature of the scenario design process, helping to shape policy recommendations for sustainable water consumption.

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