

Hemorrhage, or severe bleeding, is the leading cause of death on the battlefield, but is also a significant concern for civilian victims of traumatic injury from accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and other severe casualties. XSTAT 30 Hemorrhage Control Device is a unique device designed to control severe bleeding in junctional areas, where tourniquets or other methods are not successful. The syringe is pre-loaded with ninety-two mini cellulose sponges that are treated with chitosan as well as containing a radiopaque marker for visibility under X-ray imaging. These sponges expand up to ten times in size when in contact with blood or fluid and provide compressive forces inside the wound area to control bleeding. Specially designed compact syringes with telescoping handles enhance rapid deployment of sponges to the injury site.

Wound packing time tests show that XSTAT takes 25% of the time required to pack the wound to reach haemostasis (stopping of bleeding) versus traditional methods — using gauze with no manual compression required after deployment. The advances in lifesaving products from the battlefield such as XSTAT can play a significant role in saving the lives of people who have suffered trauma outside of warzones, at accident and natural disaster sites. Also displayed is the Parabelt, a tourniquet worn as a belt. Designed for first responders, law enforcement and people who might have a need for a readily available tourniquet, it provides a solution for the high incidence of improvised tourniquets.


Based in Portland, Oregon in the United States, RevMedx develops lifesaving products for military medics and civilian first responders. Most of their products are designed to treat traumatic bleeding. This includes XSTAT, the product RevMedx was founded to create, and has just received FDA approval as a first-in-kind device to treat junctional hemorrhage. XSTAT has generated a massive amount of media interest, winning the Popular Science Invention Award and FutureMed Disruptive Technology Award and has had hundreds of articles written about it. RevMedx has developed a platform of products around the XSTAT technology, which they hope will serve different user groups, including civilians.


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