
This filmed work imagines an evolutionary future of physical interrelationships between organism and technology. Within this vast body of porous bone and watery ligaments witness a world of nanoscopic
machines boring holes, tendrils slipping along, quietly doing their unknown work in the physical, corporeal medium of the human body. This work investigates an aspect of our collective, bared scaffolding as potential host to nanoputians, molecular machines, nano-inorganics and self-assembling molecular systems. Each element involves an ambiguous dance with the mechanical and technological ‘life’ that has become a large part of our cultural, physical and physiological architecture. Are the nanomachines destructive or constructive? Autonomous or controlled? Symbiotic or parasitic? Thinking or rote?


Danny Warner is a US based designer. Danny has an MFA in Design from the University of Notre Dame, his motion work appears in various venues and has been exhibited in galleries, film festivals and other events in North America and Europe. Danny also designs for a small creative agency, writes and teaches in the US


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