15.04.11 - 24.06.11
Science Gallery’s latest flagship exhibition HUMAN+ invites you to consider a future of augmented abilities, authored evolution, new strategies for survival and non-human encounters through a range of installations and laboratories exploring the future of our species. The exhibition opened at Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, on April 15th and runs until June 2011.
This major international exhibition draws together a range of installations ranging from a euthanasia roller coaster to the prosthetic head of Australian performance artist Stelarc. HUMAN+ also includes a children’s book illustrating the question on where babies come from in the IVF era to a vision of eternal life through digital means. It also features artist Eduardo Kac’s “plantimal” called the Edunia – a hybrid plant which includes the artists own DNA. HUMAN+ paints a somewhat ambiguous picture of the future of our species. What enhancements will we choose to become better humans? What happens when we live side by side with our robotic companions? How can we author our genetic futures? Find out at HUMAN+
JULIANA ADELMAN - Chair of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine Network Ireland (HSTM Network Ireland)
RACHEL ARMSTRONG - Director and Teacher at Rachel's Music Centre
MICHAEL JOHN GORMAN - Founding Director of Science Gallery
AOIFE MCLYSAGHT - Professor, Genetics TCD
ROSS MCMANUS - Professor in Molecular Medicine TCD
RICHARD REILLY - Chair of Neural Engineering TCD
CHARLES SPILLANE - Director Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway
The only place on the island of Ireland where university level training in Deaf Studies is offered.
The world is running out of food—we need to produce 70% more food in the next 40 years according to the UN
The body as made up of four basic substances: yellow bile, blood, phlegm and black bile, each linked to a specific temperament…
A website (icasualties.org) that updates the personal details and numbers of slain US soldiers…
Life with death and art with technology…
In this work the artist imagines taking a small patch of farmland from his childhood and rolling it into his own personal cocoon.
Capacity and Process reveal the body’s pulmonary and alimentary systems…
The central work in the Natural History of the Enigma is a ‘plantimal’, a new life form created by Eduardo Kac…
The H5N1 audio works were produced for radio broadcast on the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation by Nerve Theory in 2006.
This filmed work imagines an evolutionary future of physical interrelationships between organism and technology…
Euthanasia Coaster is a hypothetical euthanasia machine in the form of a roller coaster,
In Oblique the twisted bodies, discoloured flesh and extensions into the bodily space normally associated with Baroque imagery have been transformed into an extended body,
If Not Now Then When is a personal meditation on the physical memory of the body as its own landscape
The Human Pollination Project brings attention to the human reliance on the pollination services provided by honeybees
The Prosthetic Head is an embodied conversational agent that speaks to the person who interrogates it,