From the stork to the invention of the microscope, the ‘birds and the bees’ to IVF—how will these stories evolve as our methods of reproduction become increasingly more diversified? The creation of artificial gametes from stem cells or somatic cells has the potential to fundamentally change the way we perceive parenthood and reproduction. Sperm and eggs could be created from anyone’s cells, regardless of age, gender or sexuality. This multidisciplinary project investigates how scientific and technological developments influence historical stories and narratives, explaining ‘where we come from’. By exploring new reproductive scenarios, this project aims to create the space for a broader discussion on artificial reproductive technologies (ART) that can engage people in the possibilities these advances present.


Zoe Papadopoulou is a UK based artist whose work focuses on public engagement and performance. Her work avoids debate on the pros and cons of emergent technologies; instead she removes the subjectivity and replaces it with the possible and improbable implications of our inevitable futures. Dr Anna Smajdor is a lecturer in Ethics at the University of East Anglia. Her PhD thesis was an exploration of ethical issues related to artificial gametes. In addition, Anna is the co-author of the book “From IVF to Immortality” on the controversies raised by developments in reproductive technologies and the role of law and regulation in this field.


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