Area V5 aims to trigger Uncanny Valley—the point at which humans start to feel physical unease with robotic agents. Recent developments in the field of Social Robotics and Artificial Intelligence suggest a prominent role of eye movement in establishing essential non-verbal dialogue between humans and machine. The installation invites the viewer to experiment with the enigmatic gaze of disembodied eyes. The title of the work refers to the visual area V5 in the brain cortex which is thought to play a major role in the perception of motion.


Louis-Philippe Demers makes large-scale installations and performances. His main areas of work are entertainment robotics and interaction design. Over the past two decades, he has participated in more than seventy artistic and stage productions and has built more than 300 machines. Louis-Philippe’s works has been featured at major international venues including Lille 2004, Expo 1992 and 2000, Sonambiente, ISEA, Siggraph and Sonar. He received the Distinction of Prix Ars at Ars Electronica, 1996.


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