The Human Pollination Project brings attention to the human reliance on the pollination services provided by honeybees. Honeybees provide pollination for over one third of our food supply. What if humans had to assume the pollination responsibility from the honeybee? By adorning one’s self with a hand pollination tool kit the wearer finds themselves in an uncomfortable and overwhelming position; forcing them to imagine assuming the vast and tedious pollination responsibilities of the bee. These hand pollination tool kits—designed especially for the pollination of fruit-bearing trees—spark dialogue around the social and environmental implications of a collapse of our primary pollinators.


Laura Allcorn is a designer, storyteller, and maker who likes to re-imagine how the world could be. Her work is inspired by both social and natural science. Each of Laura’s explorations involve extensive research, not just because she believes it is essential to the design process, but because it allows her to get lost in learning something new. Laura is currently an MFA candidate in the Applied Craft & Design program at Pacific Northwest College of Art + Oregon College of Art and Craft.


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