By Clinton Freeman (AU)

Marsarium 9 is a terrarium that has been filled with a simulated Martian environment. The soil inside is a DIY blend concocted from dietary supplements and supplies found at a common hardware stores. This blend has been designed to closely mirror the findings gathered by NASA’s Curiosity and Opportunity rovers.

A fern is planted inside, and sent on a ‘mission’ to Mars. The air inside the marsarium is flushed and replaced with a composition similar to what is on Mars (96% carbon dioxide, 2% argon and 2% nitrogen).

A timelapse camera records the mission and documents the fate of the plant.


Clinton is an emerging experimental artist who incorporates software and electronics into mixed media sculpture. He draws upon experience gained as a professional software engineer to create interactive and experimental works. His credits include Persistence, presented as part of the 2018 Commonwealth Games Festival, and Inertia (2018).

Collaborations have seen his technology incorporated into sculpture and site-specific performances. These works include Spectate (2017, Counterpilot), The Torrid Zone(2017, Bonemap), Weather Machine II (2016, Nathan Street), This is Capital City (2013 and 2015, Counterpilot) and Golden Orbs (2013, Meagan Streader).


Twitter: @clinton_freeman

Instagram: @reprage

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