14.10.16 – 22.01.17


This is an exhibition of objects and systems at the intersection of design and violence. In defining these terms, we push at both their boundaries.

Violence is identified here as both deliberate harm caused to a person or thing, and as a byproduct or unintended consequence. Violence may occur in spectacular outbursts in other places, in explosions and civil unrest — but as this exhibition shows, it underpins the normal order of things in the places we live, too. The products we buy and the systems in which we participate may cause harm elsewhere and out of sight.

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Paola Antonelli- Curator the Museum of Modern Art

Jamer Hunt- The Vice Provost for Transdisciplinary Initiatives at The New School

Ralph Borland- South African designer

Ian Brunswick- Head of Programming at Science Gallery Dublin

Lynn Scarff- Director of the National Museum of Ireland

